Industries Served
Sentry Polymers
Sentry Polymers, Inc., a unit of RPM, manufactures a wide range of high performance chemically resistant coatings for steel and concrete. When used as aggregate filled systems, their SEMSTONE coatings provide
concrete toppings that are very chemical resistant. It is not uncommon to find these systems in use over truck loading and unloading slabs, secondary containment areas, and chemical process floor areas. We highlight here a few of
their unique high performance industrial coatings that SOMAY feels provide exceptional value for the purposes intended.
“SEMSTONE”® 140 is Sentry Polymers’ principal epoxy line of high performance coatings and linings for the protection of steel and concrete. Their superior bonding qualities and excellent resistance to chemical attack make them ideal for lining steel and concrete for constant immersion service, or splash and spill protection. This is a two-component system that may be applied as a neat system (unfilled), reinforced system, aggregate filled system to extend coverage, or as an aggregate filled reinforced system. “SEMSTONE” 140 has excellent resistance to 98% sulfuric acid, 50% caustic, and 37% hydrochloric acid. Its low flexural modulus of elasticity makes it ideal for thermal shock service.
“SEMSTONE” 140 has exceptional wear and abrasion resistance for heavy traffic areas.
“SEMSTONE”® 245 is Sentry Polymers’ 100% solids, flake-filled, highest performance novolac epoxy for internal steel tank lining for high performance service. It features a unique formulation offering excellent resistance to hazardous and corrosive chemicals such as benzene, phenol, ketones, alcohols, chromic acid, 50% caustic, and 98% sulfuric acid.“SEMSTONE” 245 is the premier product for protecting steel and concrete, and is suitable for constant immersion service in chlorinated solvents. It has excellent abrasion resistance and can be applied over damp concrete and at temperatures as low as 35° F.
“SEMSTONE”® 110 is Sentry Polymers’ epoxy damp-proof primer, providing exceptional adhesion to properly prepared concrete and steel surfaces. Rapid curing. Can be top-coated before fully cured. SEMSTONE 110 can be used with Part C as an epoxy putty (110EP), in which use the area can be put back into service in as little as one hour.