Industries Served

Whatever your condition, Python Corporation can recommend a chemical resistant system for all your containment needs. Government agencies, concerned corporations and individuals demand protective systems to safeguard our environment from hazardous materials and chemical waste. To achieve this is not a simple task.

The corrosive environments in secondary containment areas vary widely in the demands they make on protective systems. For example, a system that resists concentrated acids may not be effective for chlorinated solvents. Areas subjected to heavy traffic or mechanical abuse require a solution different from areas not subject to traffic. Substrate condition also affects material selection. Concrete movement and cracking require crack bridging systems and techniques to repair and maintain the structure. Another type of material might be used to restore structural integrity to non durable concrete.

In areas where removal of contaminated surfaces is neither practical nor cost-effective, the solution is a special corrosive control product to provide the desired containment. We solve complex problems through our extensive technological expertise, product lines, and service capabilities. Our acceptance of turnkey contracts reflects the experience and capabilities of our installation craftsmen. The protective coating/lining is the key component of your secondary containment system. Choosing the right protection is critical and goes beyond simply selecting a generic resin base and thickness.

That’s why we offer a comprehensive selection of products and services designed for effective performance in corrosive environments, specifically, corrosion control products for moderate and severe environments. Corrosion resistant products are based on epoxy, novolac epoxy, polyester, vinyl ester and other thermoset polymers, even monolithic linings for metal and concrete process vessels, treatment tanks, and chemical trenches, as well as flooring systems for a wide range of chemicals, traffic and thermal shock conditions. Heavy-duty coatings for metal and concrete protect against chemical spillage, immersion and fumes.

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