Industries Served
Pressure Grouting
Pressure Grouting/Epoxy Grouting/Equipment Grouting
Python Corp has the expertise and trained professionals to accommodate all of your grouting needs.
Pressure Grouting
Pressure Grouting is a process of placing a specified grouting material into a void of unknown dimension and volume under pressure to insure that the void is filled to its capacity.
Materials may range from a simple cement slurry, to a structural concrete mix, to a chemical grout. No matter what materials are used, Python Corporation has the ability, equipment and experience to solve your problem.
Why Pressure Grout?
Pressure grouting may be used to:
- Seal Infiltration
- Stop Exfiltration
- Stabilize Structures
- Fill Known Voids
- Fill Unknown Voids
- Stabilize Soil or Raise Existing
Structures or Slabs.
This may be accomplished on may different types of structures including:
- Sewers
- Retaining Walls
- Roadways
- Secondary Containment Slabs
- Parking Aprons, Etc.
In order to pressure grout a specific structure a series of holes may be drilled to determine the approximate size of the void, an investigation is made to determine the approximate volume of materials necessary.
The size of the void and the type of structure determine the type of materials and the necessary equipment to be used in the grouting. Additional holes may be drilled and are designated as grouting or relief holes.
As the grout is pumped, special care is necessary to not over pressure and blow the structure out. The grout is then tracked by way of the relief holes, which are plugged as the grout passes. The use of more than one grouting hole is usually necessary. The structure may either be stabilized or raised, depending on many existing site conditions.
Epoxy & Equipment Grouting
In instances where Pressure Grouting is not the preferred method Python may recommend Epoxy Grouting or Equipment Grouting.
Leave it to a trained professional to assist you with your concrete repair and protection needs. Python Corporation would be happy to provide recommendations, estimates and specifications for your grouting needs. Please call to arrange a site visit today.