Industries Served

Dudick specializes in chemically resistant, high performance epoxy, vinyl ester and polyester flooring, coatings and linings.

New Products

Protecto-Coat EP


(Formerly CorMax® EP)

Self-priming epoxy phenolic designed for use in highly corrosive environments where polyamide or amido-amine cured epoxies are not adequate. 
FDA & Potable Water Compliant.
Protecto-Coat EPG



(Formerly CorMax® EPG)

Self-priming epoxy phenolic glass flake filled coating designed for use in highly corrosive environments subject to abrasion & chemical resistance as well as exhibiting excellent heat resistance.


FDA & Potable Water Compliant.

Protecto-Coat PS



(Formerly CorMax® PS)

Two component, high solids polysulfide elastomeric coating that provides excellent chemical resistance to a wide variety of acids, solvents & oils.
Caulk PSC


(Formerly CorMax® PSC)

Two component, high solids, chemically resistant, elastomeric polysulfide sealant for tank exteriors. USDA Compliant.
Primer PA



CorMax® PA)

Epoxy polyamide holding primer designed for use under a variety of former CorMax® systems. This primer is designed to prevent rust bloom on abrasive blasted steel as wellas “wetting out” on concrete substrates which is required for good adhesion and retard outgassing.
Grout EG



CorMax® EG)

Highly chemical resistant epoxy grout that provides a compressive strength five times greater than Portland cement.

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